While some divorces become very contentious, litigious, and expensive, couples who agree to being both reasonable and civil towards each other have another option. A mediated divorce could save divorcing couples stress, anxiety, and the financial pitfalls of litigated divorce.
A mediated divorce is the process of a divorcing couple meeting with a neutral third party (an attorney, a retired judge, or otherwise) to negotiate divorce disputes and agree to compromises that benefit both parties.
The benefits of a mediated divorce are plentiful and include:
- Mediators address each couple’s unique family and financial situation. Mediators help craft beneficial agreements for both parties.
- A Mediators never take sides. The mediator’s focus is resolution, compromise, and the best interests of the children (if applicable).
- Mediation allows each individual to be presented with the necessary information to make their own decision.
- The length of a mediated divorce rests solely in the hands of the parties and usually lasts weeks rather than years.
- The cost of mediation is drastically lower than divorce via litigation.
Lastly, with mediation, a divorcing couple has control over their divorce and avoids the chaos that can accompany a litigated divorce.