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Easements to consider when purchasing commercial property

On Behalf of | Jun 9, 2023 | Real Estate |

Buying commercial property is a significant investment that requires careful consideration of various factors. One crucial aspect to be mindful of when purchasing commercial property is the presence of easements. Easements can affect the property’s use and potential value, making it essential for buyers to understand and evaluate any existing easements.

This article highlights important easements to be aware of when buying commercial property, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Utility easements

These easements grant utility companies or municipal entities the right to access and maintain utility lines, such as water, gas, electricity or telecommunications, that may run through the property. Buyers should review the location and extent of utility easements to ensure they do not interfere with future development plans or impact the property’s functionality.

Access easements

Access easements grant the right of access to neighboring properties or public roads through the purchased property. It is essential to understand the specifics of access easements, including their location, width and any restrictions on use. Buyers should assess how access easements may impact their property’s layout, parking or overall operations.

Conservation easements

In some cases, commercial properties may have conservation easements in place. These protect natural resources, open spaces or historic features of the property. These easements restrict certain activities or development rights to preserve the designated aspects of the property. Buyers should thoroughly review any existing conservation easements to understand the limitations they impose and assess the potential impact on their intended use or future expansion plans.

Shared driveway easements

When multiple properties share a driveway or access road, shared driveway easements come into play. Make sure to examine the details of shared driveway easements, including maintenance responsibilities and any limitations on alterations or expansions. Understanding shared driveway easements is vital to ensure smooth access and minimize potential conflicts with neighboring property owners.

Drainage easements

Drainage easements govern the flow of water across a property and can significantly impact its usability and development potential. Buyers should evaluate the presence and terms of drainage easements to understand how they may affect the property’s grading, construction or landscaping plans. Proper drainage is crucial for avoiding water-related issues and maintaining the property’s value.

Understanding these easements’ implications can help buyers make informed decisions, avoid potential conflicts and ensure their intended use and development plans align with the property’s existing rights and restrictions. By conducting thorough due diligence on easements, buyers can confidently move forward with their commercial property acquisition and maximize the property’s potential.