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How can I protect myself during a divorce?

On Behalf of | Dec 21, 2020 | Divorce |

Even so-called amicable divorces cause a great deal of stress. Along with worries about your changing financial status, there are also emotional and mental issues you must face. Navigating this process can be challenging, but it is possible to do so while keeping yourself and your well-being intact. 

Kiplinger makes the following recommendations for people approaching divorce. While some stress is likely, having a plan in place ensures you will make it through unscathed. 

Establish a budget

Start by figuring out income and assets for both you and your spouse. This information is important for future stability, but will also play a role in decisions about child and spousal support. If you are leaving the family home, consider how much money you will need to pay rent/mortgage at a new place. If you are remaining in the home, determine whether you can afford to make existing mortgage payments on your own. While you might not like the outcome of your number crunching, you must know exactly where you stand financially. 

Secure a counselor or therapist

Emotional issues surrounding divorce are complex, which may be above the pay grade of friends and family. A counselor or therapist will offer an unbiased perspective on what you are feeling. They can also help you develop healthy coping mechanisms to deal with the hurt feelings and emotional upheaval that occur in so many divorces. 

Get healthy

Physical health can also impact mental well-being. Additionally, it is natural to let your health slip when you are going through divorce, so make it a priority. Get enough sleep each night, exercise, eat nutritious foods, and spend time doing things you love. By focusing on wellness and self-care, you have a greater chance of happiness once your divorce is complete.